My essay, The Fat Bitch in Art, won the Melbourne Writer’s Prize. You can read it on the Meanjin website here, and read about the prize here.
The Fat Bitch in Art is an essay with thigh-high ambitions and ass-ertions that just won't quit. It started in the same way as many of my works: as a joke, that grew and grew beyond all reason and practicality. It began as an analysis of depictions of fat femmes in art, which grew to an analysis of the racialised history of these depictions, and then swelled to a proposal for a Museum of Fat Bitches' Art and a treatise on feminine desire and artmaking. Over interminable, dreary lockdowns, I wondered how I might create a museum of the mind for the reader to experience. What I ended up with is (I hope) an imaginative, absurd and carnivalesque experience; a dreamspace of sumptuous bodies and art to which every fat bitch in the world is invited.